Laurel Benjamin
new book coming this fall from Sheila-Na-Gig Editions
Sketchbook of Delft
after Johannes Vermeer's "The Little Street (View of Houses in Delft)"
Brick buildings dawdle and door frames
can be counted on for their white paint
in the soft air of February, and a few leftover
thorns grapple up two stories. In the corridor
a woman bends with her broom, hips
shimmy side to side, then freeing her hands,
she picks up something she's found. Shutters
of the house are closed. I sit across the street
at a metal table with salt and pepper shakers,
napkins pink and blue like my children almost
born. A bowl of salad hums with citrus
segments. A couple forks each other portions
from their plates as if they've spoken
each other's words in a ceremony, and I wonder
what kind of wedding cake they ate.
Most of my trips here have come with rain,
chasing make-believe translations
since I don't know the language. After lunch
I walk past a mother sitting sideways
on a park bench combing her daughter's hair,
fingers separating long brown waves
into braids. French accent, consonants lightly
touched. I think of yesterday when my mother
told me the news. Count how much longer
distance can provide indemnity against
my father's diagnosis. Or is it immunity
from red tulips sold in corner stands
that will make everything right. How much
longer will he live with the knowledge
that I disobey his advice? One rain drop
then another. Any minute small gaps
will fill the alleyways of afternoon.
(published in Pirene's Fountain Review, Winter 2024)
image: Megan Merchant "Garden" (USA) 2024